
I write now

with the wings of the eagle


to new heights.

My spirit is free:

unbridled and real.

I am not afraid

to tap the water table

to take time

to breathe the colors

in my space

and on the turquoise horizon,

The air has cleared.

I feel the breeze blowing,

word magic in a new morning

filled with the promise of a future.

Tamara Smiley Hamilton, is a Master of Science Student in the School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, studies race and conflict with a focus on building inclusive communities. Her practice, Audacious Coaching LLC, specializes in helping organizations address issues of race and belonging. She uses her gift of poetry to chronicle the unimaginable times in which we are living. She is the author of Soul Quake (2006), a collection of poems expressing thirty-seven years of her lived experiences.